Creative Thoughts on Covid

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11 comments on “Creative Thoughts on Covid

  1. Marg on said:

    Congratulations on your new web site. Way to go.

    • Carla Cronier on said:

      Hi my friend. Your paintings look amazing. Your time spent well. I miss you and our time together with John Street friends. Xo

  2. NANCY W on said:

    Beautiful paintings! Good luck with your new website. Happy painting

  3. Janet Libke on said:

    The web site is beautiful Susan. Can’t wait to see the new works in person.

  4. Eileen Pocklington on said:

    Susan, congratulations on your website. Your artistic talent is awesome.. you go girl!

  5. Sandra Smale on said:

    Love your write ✍ up. Site looks sharp and crisp. on this big step my dear.

  6. Maxanne Ezer on said:

    I love your new, very professional Website. Congratulations.

  7. Charles Dove on said:

    What an amazing website and such beautiful work, wishing you every success in the future.

  8. Beverlie Robertson on said:

    fabulous website!! it’s a treat to see it.

  9. Joy Bullen on said:

    What a thrill. Susan. I have enjoyed browsing your gallery and will return often. I particularly admire the impressionistic, Lake Rosseau Shoreline, which also reminds me of an AJ Casson painting. Hugs

  10. Beverlie Robertson on said:

    your website is gorgeous!!! I lost your email address & miss you! I’ve been immobilized, first by having both knees replaced a year ago March…then as you so aptly put it: lost in a creative desert. you’ve inspired me to dig my way out & pick up that guitar! Thank you! love, B

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